Monday, August 9, 2010

OctoDon: Roll Out!

Photo credit: Leah Erickson

Whattup! Sorry for the wait, it's been a crazy busy week and a half! I've been working on tons of stuff, including not two but three more additions to the Research on Control series, a portrait for my cousin Kev and his new wife Maria who's wedding I just attended (check the last post), sketches and concept for an upcoming Charles Rennie Mackintosh-inspired garage mural, and in between all that I took a hot second to bust out the Octodon on my friend Johndog's old car - aerosol cephalopod mafia roll out!!


  1. Wow! I think you should bugize my beetle. Is he going to drive it on the road?

  2. No it's just going to scrap eventually it's just chillin' in his backyard for a while until he moves. Apparently the neighbours highly approve though!!
