YO!! Glad to be back after such a long hiatus. Life is GOOD! As usual, I've been super busy with art, school, and work, and especially so in the last couple months. Here's a quick update of the major happenings in my art life: In December, I was the Art Coordinator for a group mural around the International Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination created by myself and some great people from Edmonton's Centre for Race and Culture and Canada World Youth - I will post the photos as soon as I get them. At that event I met Darren Jordan, who invited me to submit my portfolio for an upcoming gallery show. Fortunately for me, they were interested in seeing more, so I was invited to be featured in a gallery show, (5 Artists, 1 Love) coming up on Feb. 5th-19th at the TU gallery (10718 124st Edmonton AB)!! Big ups to Ricky who introduced me to Darren and to Steph Molina for linking me up with the CFRAC event. Last night was the beginning of Hip Hop on the Wall at the Latitude 53 gallery (10248 106st Edmonton AB), which was a fundraiser for this year's Hip Hop in the Park and runs until Feb 11th. I have two paintings in the show, one of which sold last night. Also, starting on Feb 1st, Leah Erickson and I will be sharing a small cafe show at the Mandolin Cafe (6419 112 Avenue NW) for the month of February. I've been lucky enough to get some media coverage for all my events coming up too! This past thursday I was interviewed by See magazine (seemagazine.com - the article should run in print in about a week and a half), a photo of my work was printed in the Edmonton Journal today, then at 11:30 (in a couple hours) I'm being interviewed by CBCradio!! Big tings poppin'! I won't be posting many photos until after the gallery show, but here's a couple things you haven't seen yet - a couple old and a couple new!