Monday, September 12, 2011

Kaleido Festival 2011

What it do? Today I have the photos from the Kaleido festival on 118th ave which was put on partially by the Nina Haggerty, which is an art gallery and community center here in Edmonton. I was part of a collaborative event - 4 artists including myself created 4 ink paintings in the 'Exquisite Corpse' method. Basically, each artist painted 1 horizontal slice of one board every hour, without being able to see what the artist before them painted other than about an inch, and at the end we had 4 paintings that each of us had done 1/4 of. It was fun, and the results (3/4 of which are above) ended up being pretty interesting! I am somehow missing photos of one of the pieces, but if I can wrangle some I'll update this post, because it ended up being a funny painting. I was painting pretty slowly and kept chatting with people who were wondering what was going on, so I didn't get as much filled in on the sections as I would have wanted, and I know at least one of the other artists felt the same way, but the time limit also kept you from thinking about what you were going to paint too much, which we found led to some cool improvisations...

(detail shot)

(detail shot)

(detail shot)

So the Kaleido festival this year went super well, there was actually some really dope live music, tons of street stages everywhere with people swinging things wildly or preforming weird hoop dances, lots of local artisans with food and carvings and soap for sale, and a lot of artwork displayed or created live, including a pretty intense decorate-a-lightpole contest that I was in to much awe of to take pictures. Also there were these dudes (above) who walked around on the side of the building and took notes on everything. Pretty suspicious, actually.

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